According to the RTC IRB policy and procedures, the IRB has five members, including one from the community with no official affiliation with the college; one from the sciences and one from the non-sciences.  As outlined in Part 46 of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations that regulates the Protection of Human Subjects, “the IRB shall be sufficiently qualified, through the experience, expertise, and diversity of the members, to promote respect for its advice and counsel in safeguarding the rights and welfare of human participants. The composition of the IRB should reflect the college’s commitment to diversity.”  Both males and females must be members.

Current IRB Committee Members

Homeister, Lia
Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness

Carroll, Roy
BAS Program Coordinator

McIrvin, Stefanie (Science)
BAS Program Manager

Rable, Tami
Director of Workforce Education

Staley, Laura (Science)
Media Librarian