Office of the President
Dr. Yoshiko Harden is the first woman and person of color to serve as President of RTC. With 25 years of experience in community and technical colleges, she is committed to equity and student success.
Message from the President
I believe that educational access and success lead to a more just and equitable society. Students’ ability to access education, complete their program, and start or advance their careers supports families and the communities we serve.
I know firsthand the power of education to change lives and better society. When I was 12, my parents divorced, and my mother started college at Leward Community College in Oahu, Hawaii. I watched my mother navigate starting college as an adult, with young children, with limited finances and financial support (and limited time to study!).
She applied for financial aid and scholarships to pay for school and support our family. She went on to transfer to the University of Hawaii, Manoa, and graduated with a degree. She sacrificed so that I could have access to opportunities. This is why I have spent my career serving community and technical colleges in Washington and why I am honored to be RTC’s first woman and first person of color to serve as president.
We, as a college, are doing all we can to dismantle barriers for students, especially those from historically underrepresented groups. Barriers like access to affordable housing, childcare, and transportation often mean students must sacrifice their education. The college's 2024-2029 Strategic Equity Plan centers on equity as the path to transform our college, our communities, and the workforce.
Reach out to me at

About Dr. Harden
Dr. Yoshiko Harden, a leader with broad experience in the state community and technical college system, is the president of Renton Technical College.
Harden is the first woman and the first person of color to serve as president at RTC. She previously served as Interim President and CEO at Seattle Central Community College, Vice President of Student Services at Seattle Central College, Vice President for Diversity/Chief Diversity Officer at Bellevue College, and Director of Multicultural Services and student Development at Highline College.
She earned her doctorate in higher education policy from Northeastern University. Her research focused on Black males in community and technical colleges.
Executive Leadership
The President's Executive Cabinet oversees the day to day operations of the College to advance the mission.

Vice President for Instruction

Vice President for Student Services

Vice President for Finance and Administration

Executive Director for College Relations and Marketing

Vice President of Human Resources

Executive Assistant to the President

Doris Martinez
Executive Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Executive Director of the Foundation

Executive Director of College Technology Services