Student Success

Renton Technical College provides student access that reflects the diverse demographic makeup of its community.  Equity is achieved by high success and completion rates of all students, data-informed decision making and student-centered policies and practices throughout the institution.

Workforce Education

Renton Technical College delivers workforce education programs that fulfill student and industry needs through preparation for viable career pathways. Industry needs are met through competency and outcomes-based teaching, learning, and hands-on training facilities that reflect workplace best practices. Students become resilient workers by completing innovative educational programs that incorporate current industry trends. 

Basic Skills Education

Renton Technical College offers basic skills courses that support the transition of students to college-level study and career pathways.  Student progression is supported through ESL instruction, high-school completion options, college-readiness instruction, and integration of basic skills instruction into workforce programs.

Institutional Sustainability

Renton Technical College cultivates, manages and prioritizes its financial, human & physical resources to advance the mission of the college.  An optimal learning environment is created through a diverse and innovative faculty and staff, deployment of technologies that enhance teaching and student engagement, and financial planning that supports the college’s strategic priorities.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Responsibility
    • Display honest and ethical behavior in all actions
    • Practice accountability for performance 
    • Apply appropriate work habits and attitudes  
    • Articulate a plan for career pathways 
  2. Collaboration
    • Participate effectively within groups 
    • Articulate the value of diversity and equity 
    • Use communication skills that encourage all the members of the team 
    • Work productively with diverse populations 
  3. Performance
    • Utilize content-specific skills 
    • Perform competencies to program-specific or certification standards 
    • Employ knowledge, skills and abilities for matriculation or employment 
  4. Problem Solving
    • Use multiple resources to find pertinent information 
    • Organize information into a usable format 
    • Apply decision-making strategies to come to reasonable solutions
  5. Communication
    • Demonstrate clearly understood purpose 
    • Analyze audience appropriately and recognize diverse needs 
    • Deliver information accurately  
    • Interpret feedback constructively