Find magazine & journal articles and ebooks & full-text encyclopedias in online databases like ProQuest.
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Subscription Databases
Renton Technical College Library offers students, faculty and staff in-library and Internet access to these subscription databases. If you are accessing these databases from off-campus, you will be asked for your Renton Technical College email username and password.
Chronicle of Higher Education – National and international news about higher education. (You may have to sign up for an account using your RTC email address.)
Credo – Credo offers 600+ encyclopedias and dictionaries on health, food, history, business, music, literature, biography and more.
CultureGrams – Information on the daily life of over 180 world cultures. Also includes population statistics, maps, and pictures.
EBSCO Community College eBook Collection – Over 47,000 non-fiction books on science, the humanities and social sciences.
EBSCO eBooks IT Core Collection – Over 4,000 books on networks, operating systems, programming languages, system architecture and more.
EBSCOhost eBook Open Access – Over 2700 ebooks from university presses and scholarly publishers on all topics from history to the sciences.
eLibrary – Search books, journals, newspaper, and magazine articles and television transcripts.
Exploring Race in Society – Articles, reports, and more covering important issues related to race, diversity, and inclusivity in society today.
Gale Academic OneFile – Scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals on all topics.
Gale eBooks – Search Gale encyclopedias for information these subjects:
- Nursing
- Medicine
- Biotechnology
- Psychology and Mental Health
- Education
- Law
- Multicultural studies
- Science
- History
Gale General OneFile – Magazine and newspaper articles on news, health, personal finance, technology and many other topics.
Gale OneFile: Informe Academico – Revistas y revistas académicas de y sobre América Latina mayoritariamente en español y portugués. Spanish and Portuguese journal, magazine and newspaper articles.
History Study Center – Learn about US and world history with these books and original documents.
Kanopy Streaming – Videos on success at work, safety, art, gender, American values, health care, and much more.
NoodleTools – Help in formatting your APA and MLA bibliographies.
Nursing Reference Center – This database offers current information on diseases, patient education resources, drug information, continuing education, lab & diagnosis detail, best practice guidelines, and more.
ProQuest – Journals, magazines, and reference books
- ABI/Inform Trade & Industry
- Family Health Database
- Research Library
- ProQuest Newspapers - including the New York Times and Washington Newsstand
PQ Literature – Research authors, literary works and literary criticism.
PrepSTEP – Assists with College Success, math and English skills, basic computer skills, and offers practice tests in many subjects. Some resources are in Spanish.
SIRS Discoverer – Magazine articles and pictures on everything from current events to biology to art history. (Easy reading level.)
US Newsstream – Search over 1,000 US newspapers for current and past content.
WOIS – Career, education, training information.
Wayfinder – Includes WorldCat, a catalog of books and ebooks from libraries all across the United States, and dissertations and theses in WorldCat Dissertations database.
Free Databases
These databases are available free to anyone with internet access.
Congressional Research Service Reports – High quality, non-partisan research on thousands of issues, places and things of interest – from battleships to Zika.
Directory of Open Access Journals – More than 9000 free full text scholarly and scientific journals. – Free pharmacology information.
GreenFILE – Research environmental issues in this index of more than 600 journals.
JSTOR – A searchable database of thousand of journals, 1200 of them available in full text. Sign up for Register & Read to get access to free articles.
King County Library Databases – Many databases, including LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda), the New York Times, Seattle Times, and more.
MedlinePlus – Index to articles and webpages on health. MedlinePlus is published by NLM and NIH.
National Academy Press – The publisher of the books authored by the US National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council makes more than 4,000 of those books available free as PDF files.
Open Access Library – A search engine offering more than 125,000 online scholarly journal articles.
PubMed® – Comprises more than 37 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.