These pathways are designed to help you explore transfer options with your RTC degree, but we don’t endorse specific programs. Each program has unique application requirements, which may include additional classes beyond your RTC degree.

Visit your a program’s transfer website to review requirements like prerequisite courses, GPA, work experience, and more. Partner with your advisor early to plan your transfer, including which general education and elective classes to take for your degree.

Bellingham Technical College 

Big Bend Community College 

Central Washington University 

Centralia College 

Clark College 

Clover Park Technical College 

Columbia Basin College 

Evergreen State College 

Lower Columbia College 

Peninsula College 

Skagit Valley College 

Spokane Falls Community College 

All Advanced Manufacturing Degrees

Skagit Valley College 

Bellingham Technical College 

Cover Park Technical College 

Lower Columbia College

Band Instrument Repair AAS 

See all Advanced Manufacturing degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Commercial Building Engineering AAS 

See all Advanced Manufacturing degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Engineering Design Technology AAS 

Highline College 

Lake Washington Institute of Technology 

Industrial Engineering AAS 

See all Advanced Manufacturing degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Land Surveying - Geospatial Science AAS 

See all Advanced Manufacturing degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Machining Technologies AAS 

See all Advanced Manufacturing degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Mechatronics AAS

Clover Park Technical College 

Edmonds College 

Welding AAS 

See all Advanced Manufacturing degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Multi Occupational Trades AAS 

Central Washington University 

South Seattle College 

All Business Degrees 

Bellevue College 

Accounting Specialist AAS-T 

Bellevue College

Centralia College 

Everett Community College 

Green River College

North Seattle College 

Western Governer’s University 

Business DTA

The Business DTA (Direct Transfer Agreement) degree helps students transfer to Business bachelor's degree programs at these universities in Washington State. It may also transfer toward other four-year universities or majors, depending on their requirements. Talk to an academic adviser to explore your transfer options. See all universities that participate in the Direct Transfer Agreement.

Central Washington University 

Eastern Washington University 

Gonzaga University 

Heritage University 

Pacific Lutheran University 

Saint Martin’s University 

Seattle Pacific University 

Seattle University 

The Evergreen State College 

University of Washington (all campuses) 

Walla Walla University 

Washington State University (all campuses) 

Western Washington University 

Whitworth University 

Contemporary Business AAS-T 

Bellevue College 

Clover Park Technical College 

Green River College 

Highline College 

Lake Washington Insitute of Technology 

North Seattle College 

Pierce College 

South Seattle College 

Spokane Falls Community College 

Tacoma Community College 

Walla Walla Community College 

Whatcom Community College 

Western Governer’s University 

Construction Management AAS 

Pierce College

South Seattle College

Legal Assistant AAS 

Evergreen State College 

Culinary Arts AAS or AAS-T 

South Seattle College

Professional Baking AAS 

South Seattle College 

All Health Care degrees 

Bellevue College

Edmonds College 

Lake Washington Institute of Technology 

Seattle Central College 

Tacoma Community College 

Western Governer’s University 

Anesthesia Technologist AAS-T  

See all Health Care degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Dental Assistant AAS-T 

See all Health Care degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Early Childhood Education AAS-T 

Centralia College 

Edmonds College 

Green River College 

Highline College  

Lake Washington Institute of Technology 

North Seattle College 

Pierce College 

Seattle Central College 

Medical Assistant AAS-T 

Lake Washington Insitute of Technology  

Medical Coding Specialist AAS-T 

Tacoma College 

Massage Therapy Practitioner AAS-T 

See all Health Care degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Pharmacy Technician AAS-T  

See all Health Care degree & all AAS and AAS-T degree transfer pathways

Pre-Nursing DTA

The Pre-Nursing DTA (Direct Transfer Agreement) degree prepares students for transfer to an entry-to-practice Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at these universities in Washington State. It may also transfer toward other four-year universities or majors, depending on their requirements. Talk to an academic adviser to explore your transfer options. See all universities that participate in the Direct Transfer Agreement.

Northwest University 

Pacific Lutheran University 

Saint Martin’s University 

Seattle Pacific University 

Seattle University 

University of Washington, Seattle 

Washington State University 

Registered Nurse AAS-T

Bellevue College 

Columbia Basin College 

Gonzaga University 

Lower Columbia College 

Northwest University 

Olympic College 

St. Martin’s University 

 University of Washington- Bothell 

University of Washington- Seattle 

Washington State University 

Washington State University- Vancouver 

Walla Walla University 

Wenatchee Valley College 

Western Governors University 

Western Washington University  

Surgical Technologist AAS 

Western Governer’s University 

All IT degrees 

Bellevue College 

Western Governer’s University 

BAS Application Development

City University  

Central Washington University 

Pacific Lutheran University 

Western Governor’s University 

BAS Computer Network Engineering

City University  

Central Washington University 

Pacific Lutheran University 

Western Governor’s University 

Cloud Network Technology AAS-T 

 Bellevue College 

Clover Park Technical College 

Green River College 

Spokane Falls Community College  

Renton Technical College

Tacoma Community College 

Western Washington University 

Computer Science AAS-T 

Bellevue College 

Cascadia College 

Edmonds College 

Green River College 

Lake Washington Insitute of Technology 

North Seattle College 

Renton Technical College

Computer Science DTA

The Computer Science DTA (Direct Transfer Agreement) degree prepares students for transfer to Computer Science bachelor’s degrees at these universities in Washington State. It may also transfer toward other four-year universities or majors, depending on their requirements. Talk to an academic adviser to explore your transfer options. See all universities that participate in the Direct Transfer Agreement.

Central Washington University 

Eastern Washington University 

Gonzaga University 

Heritage University 

Pacific Lutheran University 

Saint Martin’s University 

Seattle Pacific University 

Seattle University 

The Evergreen State College 

University of Washington (all campuses) 

Washington State University (all campuses) 

Western Washington University 

Whitworth University 

Cybersecurity AAS-T 

Bellevue College 

Clover Park Technical College 

Green River College 

Highline College 

Spokane Falls Community College  

Tacoma Community College 

Western Washington University 

Automotive Technology AAS 

Centralia College 

Lake Washington Institute of Technology