Disability Resource Services
DRS Availability March 26 to April 3
Disability Resource Services provides accommodations to students with disabilities and health conditions at Renton Technical College. DRS can also provide resources on and off-campus for students with disabilities.
Common Accommodations:
- Extended time on tests and quizzes
- Testing in a private or quiet location
- ASL Interpretation or Real-time captioning
- Braille, audiobooks, other alternative formats
- Note-taking during lectures
- Audio recording of lectures
- Ergonomic chairs, sit/stand tables
- Accessible Technology
If you are a student at RTC with a disability or health condition and you would like to find out if you can receive accommodations in your classes, please schedule an Access Meeting by contacting DRS or scheduling online.
If you have information about your disability/ health condition, such as paperwork from your doctor, L&I paperwork, an IEP or 504 plan from high school, or other paperwork, please bring that to your appointment. If you do not have information about your disability, you will fill out a Self-report form during your appointment.
Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Location: Building J, Room 218
Email: drs@rtc.edu
Phone: 425-235-7854
Schedule an appointment:
Book Appoinment
Jake Swanke
Director, Disability Resource Services
Stephani Wolfe, LICSW
Accommodation & Retention Specialist