Start with an Identified Need or Project

  1. Think about the project idea—it’s helpful to draft a quick summary that includes estimates of staff/equipment/space needs.
  2. Meet with the Director of Grants, who can assist with further development of the project idea, identifying funding sources, and writing and submitting the proposal.

Before moving forward with the development of a grant proposal, it is important to ask the following questions to determine whether the idea is a good fit for RTC. 

  • Does the concept align with the College’s mission, learning outcomes, and strategic plan?
  • Is the proposed project consistent with the division/department’s priorities?
  • Does the project address identified needs at the College? If so, is there sufficient evidence/data to demonstrate that need?
  • Does the College have the staff/space/equipment available to carry out the project if the grant is successful?

Discussing plans with discipline colleagues and the divisional dean to answer these questions is important. The Director of Grants is also available to discuss the concept and help to determine how it fits with the RTC mission and the best process for moving forward.

Identifying a Funding Source

When considering applying for a grant, start by working with the Director of Grants to review the proposal guidelines in order to answer the following questions:

  • Does the College meet eligibility requirements?
  • Are previous projects that have received grants under this category comparable in scope and purpose to the proposed project?
  • Does the project require matching funds? If so, are college resources available to meet this requirement?
  • Will funding be sufficient to accomplish the objective in the time allowed?
  • Does the grant require sustainability? If so, how will the College sustain the project after the funding ends?
  • Are there internal or external partners that should be involved (or are required to be involved)? If so, are they willing to be involved in the grant proposal process?
  • Has the responsible dean and VP approved the development of a grant application for this project?
  • Is there adequate time to write a quality proposal before the deadline?

Preparing the Proposal

As time allows, the Director of Grants can provide significant support in managing the application process by: 

  • Developing a timetable and task assignment for the planning and preparation of the grant;
  • Requesting/collecting data, resumes, letters of commitment/support and other relevant information needed to draft and to support the proposal;
  • Drafting the proposal abstract, summary and narrative;
  • Preparing the proposal budget, including
    • Determining the number and type of personnel needed (draft job descriptions if needed);
    • Using correct rates for benefits, indirect costs, etc; and
    • Getting approval from the Business Office and Executive Director of Institutional Advancement;
  • Completing required forms and adhering to formatting and page count guidelines;
  • Assembling the proposal according to the funder’s requirements;
  • Circulating the proposal for review;
  • Initiating Institutional Review Board (IRB) human or animal subjects approval or exemption requests (if necessary); 
  • Finalizing the proposal and attachments; and
  • Submitting proposals as RTC’s Authorized Organizational Representative.

Staff and faculty are required to support the Director of Grants' efforts by:

  • Responding promptly to requests for background information;
  • Identifying equipment or supply needs, including obtaining accurate quotes and specs for equipment in a timely manner;
  • Requesting and/or securing signatures on letters of support or commitment; and
  • Reviewing proposal material for accuracy.

While the Director is happy to manage the grant proposal process, there may be periods when time might be limited due to the number of other grant proposals also underway. In those cases, faculty may need to take on added responsibility or risk missing the opportunity to pursue funding at that time. Please help facilitate the process by meeting with the Director as early as possible to discuss all grant proposals and by responding promptly to requests from the Director for supplemental grant information.

Submitting the Proposal

  • The Director of Grants will submit all fully signed, final proposals to the funder preferably 5-7 days in advance of the deadline.
  • Involved staff and faculty should keep a copy of proposal materials for later reference.

Receiving a Response

  • RTC will be notified about successful grant proposals in writing. If the Director of Grants and/or the Grant and Contract Coordinator are not copied on the letter of award, the faculty or staff managing the project must immediately forward the award letter to these parties. 
  • If unsuccessful, the Director of Grants will request feedback on the proposal so that the interested parties can strategize about resubmittal or other possible sources of funding.


Jack Shultz
Director of Grants
Tel: 425-235-2372

Susie Rather
Grant and Contract Coordinator
Tel: 425-235-6509