Once you begin your college courses, you will be considered a "regular" college student. The faculty will expect the same level of classroom participation and quality of work from all students. Students will be expected to meet class deadlines, be prepared for class, ask questions and conduct themselves as responsible adults. If students are having difficulty or need additional assistance, it is the students' responsibility to seek out the instructor or contact their college counselor.

Here are some factors to consider:

Instructors may or may not take attendance. They expect you to be prepared for class each day and to meet all deadlines. Each student will be given a course syllabus at the beginning of the quarter outlining the course expectations. It is the student's responsibility to understand and follow through with these expectations.

Class Size
The average class size is about 22 students per one Instructor, some programs have two or three Instructors per program.

Class Structure (3 options available)

1. Full- time training programs at Renton Technical College typically are 8:00 a.m. To 2:30 p.m, Monday through Friday, allowing three hours of lecture time and three hours of lab time (varies per program).

2. Part-time programs at Renton Technical are offered at various times with several different classes to choose from. Running Start Students are welcome to participate if they have met all eligibility requirements.

3. General Education classes can be taken on a class-by-class basis. These classes are designed to complete an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree and the credits may be transferred to other colleges within guidelines as established by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.

Class Pace
College classes progress much faster than high school classes. For example, a high school English or Math class that is taught in one year at the high school is taught in one quarter (11 weeks) at the college. There is very little time for instructors to stop and review lessons for students who do not understand the material or were absent form class. However, Instructors encourage students to come to them for help.

Class Participation
Most instructors require students to participate in classroom discussions, as this is an integral part of college. Other students in the classroom may range in age from 16 to 80, and you need to be prepared for a variety of opinions.

Tuition costs will be paid by the school district. You will be responsible for purchasing all books and supplies. Check with the college bookstore for the exact cost of the books and supplies you will need.

Students are required to pay for course fees unless they qualify for a fee waiver. A student qualifies for the fee waiver if they meet at least ONE of the following and can provide documentation:

  1. Qualify for free/reduced lunch at high school within the past 5 years
  2. Family receives State or Federal public assistance (TANF, Food stamps, Apple Health, etc.)
  3. Foster Youth or McKinney-Vento services
  4. Family income equal to, or less than 200% of the annual U.S. Federal Poverty line

Academic Records
You will receive both high school and college credit after you successfully complete your classes. Your grade becomes part of your permanent college transcript.

Grade Reports
We will mail official transcripts to your high school following each quarter. Students may check their final grades online, under Student Online Services.

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Chelsea Good smiling

Chelsea Good
Running Start Counselor
(425) 235-6631
Building I - Room 225