Things to Consider
Students and their family should discuss the strengths and challenges of the Running Start program to determine if it’s the right fit. Many students excel in the Running Start program but, it’s important to understand the academic commitment the student is making when joining the program. Although a student may be academically prepared for college-level coursework, they may find the demands of college overwhelming.
Successful Running Start students
- Are self-motivated
- Independent
- Take initiative
- Have good time-management skills
- Reach out for help when needed
Program Strengths
- Access to career training programs and more robust course offerings
- Earn up to two years of tuition-free college credit
- Take advanced coursework
- Build skills early which will help in college or a career after high school
- Gain maturity in a college setting
Program Challenges
- Family does not have access to course grades during college quarter.
- Access to student’s grades, progress and academic records are limited due to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
- High School and College calendars do not align, students are still expected to be in college classes, even if high school is on a break.
- RTC is an open-access campus, students and community members may be from a wide variety of backgrounds which may include people with criminal backgrounds.