The honor of your presence is requested at the dedication of the 

Andee Jorgensen 
Student Success Center
Renton Technical College - I Building
4:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 5th

Reception afterwards in the Culinaire Room

We hope you can join the Wagner family, Dr. Kevin McCarthy, present and former Trustees, and present and former RTC Foundation Board members for a celebration of Andee's legacy at Renton Technical College and her life of service to the students.

Andee was one of RTC's greatest champions, and an ever-present source of encouragement and support for students on campus for three decades. It is fitting that on November 5th - Andee's birthday - that we gather to dedicate in her memory, what is the hub of student advising and education exploration on campus. 

There will also be the presentation of artwork created by RTC welding students and faculty members to commemorate Andee's love of dragonflies. The dragonfly was chosen as a universal symbol of transformation and new beginnings, and is a perfect reflection of what Andee admired most about RTC students - their sense of hope and courage to change and grow.

This will be a special celebration and time together.