Putting Books and Journal Articles on Reserve at RTC Library

Want to put a copy of your text book, supplementary text, or journal article on Reserve for your students in the library?

It's easy. Just read the information below, then fill out and sign this form, and send it to us with the book or journal article, and we'll put it on Reserve for your students.

  • You can loan us copies of your books to be put on Reserve. They will be lightly marked during library processing.
  • You can also request that we put a book from our collection on Reserve.
  • We can't limit the checkout of books and articles to just your students.
  • We will happily negotiate loan periods with you. The most common ones are "in library use only", 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, and 1 week.
  • Processing your items can take up to a week. We often get several Reserve requests at once, especially at the beginning of the quarter.
  • If you want to put periodical articles on Reserve, talk to a librarian.  We may be able to find you a direct link to the article instead. (Periodical articles on Reserve are subject to copyright.)

If you have questions, please email the library at librarian@RTC.edu.