We recognize that life can be unpredictable, and unexpected expenses can lead to significant stress, affecting both academic performance and personal well-being. To help alleviate this, we offer Emergency Aid assistance to support current RTC students.

Emergency Aid funding provides financial assistance for unanticipated and unavoidable expenses, such as those resulting from accidents, illness, natural disasters, or the need for emergency housing or food.

Apply Here for Student Emergency Aid

Examples of expenses that may qualify for emergency aid assistance include:

  • Food insecurity
  • Emergency medical or dental expenses
  • Emergency or temporary housing and living costs
  • Family emergencies
  • Natural disasters

This list is not exhaustive. If your reason for requesting assistance is not listed, you can still submit an Emergency Aid Request for review.

Examples of expenses that are NOT covered include:

  • Regular, predictable expenses like rent
  • Parking tickets
  • Non-emergency travel
  • Non-essential or anticipated costs

Student Emergency Assistance can come from one of the following two funding sources:

Student Emergency Assistance Grant (SEAG) - Disclosure Only

  • Demonstrate student need
  • Do not need to be a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-citizen
  • May not have Federal /state repayments or overpayments
  • Must not be enrolled Title IV eligible Programs
  • Do not need to satisfy Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements
  • Valid FAFSA / WASFA not required
  • Aid cannot apply to student's tuition/fees balance and debts
  • Aid may apply to 3rd-party vendors
  • 10 days after funding disburses the student needs to complete this survey: Student Emergency Aid Grant (SEAG) Follow-Up - Survey

RTC Foundation Emergency Grant - Disclosure Only

  • Demonstrate student need
  • Do not need to be a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-citizen
  • May not have Federal /state repayments or overpayments
  • Must not be enrolled Title IV eligible Programs
  • Do not need to satisfy Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements
  • Valid FAFSA / WASFA not required
  • Aid can apply to student's tuition/fees balance and debts
  • Aid may apply to 3rd-party vendors
  • 10 days after funding disburses the student needs to complete this survey: Student Emergency Aid Grant (SEAG) Follow-Up - Survey

Emergency Resources

Emergency Grant Prioritization, Disbursements & Notice

The funding amount is determined based on fund availability, program guideline, student eligibility, and allowable student’s budget up to the maximum of Pell Grant ($2,465).

Students who did not receive emergency grant funds in the prior quarter have priority in receiving financial assistance.

Students must currently be enrolled and pursuing an educational plan, academic, career and professional advancement at RTC. 

Students must be enrolled and pursuing an educational plan, academic, career and professional advancement at RTC. 
If the student is eligible for any amount, the disbursement will be released as early as four (4) business days but no later than two (2) weeks. Please contact the financial aid office if you have not heard from us within this time.

Students will be notified via RTC student email after request has been reviewed.

Students are responsible for updating their current mailing address to ensure timely and accurate emergency grant check delivery.